Speak Your Ideas, Generate Any Content

Record your thoughts naturally, then let AI transform them into any content format you need. From business plans to creative stories, your voice is the starting point for endless possibilities.

From Voice to Finished Content in Minutes


Record Your Ideas

Speak naturally about what content you want to create and provide your key points


Choose Format

Select your desired content type and any specific requirements


AI Transforms

AI converts your recording into polished, formatted content

Then Edit & Refine

Make quick edits
Regenerate sections
Export finished content

Generate Any Content Type

Business Content

Example recording:

"I need a business plan for a digital marketing agency focused on small businesses..."
Business PlansProposalsReports


Example recording:

"Create a detailed SOP for our customer service team's email response process..."

Creative Content

Example recording:

"Write a blog post about the future of AI in healthcare, focusing on patient care..."
Blog PostsArticlesStories

From Voice to Finished Content

Voice Input

"I need a marketing plan for launching a new mobile app. The app helps people track their daily water intake. Focus on social media marketing and influencer partnerships..."

Generated Content

Mobile App Marketing Plan

Executive Summary...

Target Market Analysis...

Marketing Channels...

[Full marketing plan generated from your voice input]

Start Creating with Your Voice

Turn your spoken ideas into any type of content. No more writer's block, no more blank pages – just speak and create.